Saturday, 22 October 2011

Groom Speeches

The bride is usually at the centre of attention in the planning of the wedding, and the actual wedding day. But when it comes to the speeches, the groom is expected to step to the plate and deliver something memorable. This is why groom speeches fill many prospective grooms with anxiety about the wedding day.

Great Expectations

They say that the only thing worse about the thing you fear is the fear itself. This is the nature of groom speeches. Many a dashing, and confident groom has been known to crumble at the thought of preparing their wedding speech. A large part of this comes from the he expectation from the bride and the groom himself, that the groom speech is meant to be this important declaration of the manhood of the groom. There is an expectation that the groom will display his pride and honour to the wedding guests and particularly to the bride's family. By removing this expectation, the groom will find preparing his speech a far l ess intimidating fete.

The Groom Speech

The main role of groom speeches is to show thanks and gratitude to friends and family for celebrating the union and for assisting in creating special wedding memories. A crucial part of this is to acknowledge the bride's parents as this is a public testament to your new parents that you will love and cherish their daughter. Important elements to remember in any wedding speech are to welcome the guests and to invite them to enjoy themselves. You can then move on to thank those involved in the planning and organization of the wedding. Unlike most speeches, it is wise to leave the most important acknowledgements till the end where you can place more emphasis by softening your tone and providing heartfelt thanks accompanied with tales that highlight your relationship to these individuals. For example you could include a story about a situation where you were made to feel welcomed in the family by the bride's parents. Of course this is only relevant if you truly have this type of relationship with your future in-laws. Keep your speech sincere and honest. Lastly include some tender words to the bride, ending off with a wish for your future happiness.

The groom speeches need not be a nerve-wrecking experience. Rather it should be embraced as an opportunity to be thankful to the family and friends you have and express publicly to your bride howhappy the occasion is for you.

Thank you for the time you spent with me! I'd also love to meet you on my blog linked below to have a chance to tell you more about wedding speeches - actually you could start by browsing the category page for groom speeches - you will want to share it with others.

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