Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Father Of The Groom Wedding Speeches Tips

Father of the groom speeches can add some humor to the day as fathers recall their sons' young life and the good and bad things that happened. Not only does this allow fathers to share the fun times but it also allows them to tell stories to show their sons characther traits they most admire. Fathers can show their pride without becoming too sentimental.

Here are some points that might be helpful when you come to write your speech:

1. Welcome the bride into your family and say how pleased you are with your son's choice. You can talk about how you came to know her and to like her

2. Mention her family - how you can see why she is such a fine young woman

3. Talk about your son. You can tell some funny stories, maybe slightly embarrassing, to show some of the things he got up to or the mistakes he made as a boy or young man. Tell other stories to show what sort of a person he was and has become, stories that show his character traits. Maybe he has show n such things as diligence, perseverance or thoughtfulness or other traits that want to talk about

4. These stories will bring out the feelings you have for your son. Your audience will love that

5. Give you son some advice on how to have a happy married life. You can do this with universal, motherhood statements that will get everyone's agreement

Father of the groom wedding speeches need the same time and attention as any of the other speeches: write out your speech until you refine it to your liking; go over it until you know it; time your speech to no longer than about three minutes - shorter is better.

It's a good idea to have your speech with you on the day but do not read from it all the time. If you can, make some notes in the form of headings and glance at them from time to time to keep you on track. If you are not used to public speaking, try to relax a couple of minutes before you get up to talk. You can do this by consciously slowing you breathing and taking deep breaths. When you do stand up, pause and calmly look around the audience so t hat you do not look or feel rushed. This will help you calm down.

Set out to enjoy the day with your son on his wedding day. Put this all together and you will give a great speech and you and your son will have a great day.

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