Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Wedding Speech Father-of-the-Bride

Preparing for a wedding speech father of the bride is not that easy, especially if you do not have much experience speaking in front of many people. However, as the tradition goes, the father of the bride has to speak his heart, on behalf of the family, in front of the wedding crowd. This article will give you tips on how to prepare for a wedding speech.

The Preparation: Wedding Speech Father-of-the-Bride

You have to remember that practice makes perfect. Give yourself time to remember all the good memories that you had with the couple before the wedding. Write down all the important occasions that you have enjoyed with the couple so that you would know how to shape your speech. Then make an outline of your speech. Make sure to divide in these parts:

Beginning Middle End

You do not necessarily have to introduce yourself at the beginning of the speech since most of the people already know you as the father of the bride. Just start with greeting the audience and telling the fondest memory that you have of your daughter. Then you can proceed with how they met and what was your first reaction. Just make sure that you do not embarrass the groom in front of the whole audience. You can end the speech by giving your blessings to the couple and congratulating them on their new journey.

Remember never to do the wedding speech father-of-the-bride when you have had many drinks. You would not want to embarrass yourself or your family in front of many people. As mentioned above, practicing a few hours before the reception will help you get rid of the nerves that may affect your speech.

If you do not know how to start your wedding speech father-of-the-bride, the internet has a lot of samples, which you can use as a template. Making a speech about your daughter on this special occasion is not difficult if everything that you say comes from deep within your heart. Sometimes, the best way to make a speech is to just go with the flow of events.

Wedding Speech Father-of-the-Bride: The Advantage of Making Your Own

As a last tip, try not to get too emotional when saying your speech. Although all fathers have been known for not being too emotional, it would still be not surprising if a few tears well up in your eyes as you say the speech. It is important that you are able to say your message without getting affected because you might also affect your daughter in the process.

Making your own speech is pretty easy if you have an idea about what you are going to say. This is why it is easier for the father to make a wedding speech father-of-the-bride on his own because everything that he would say on the speech will reflect how he really feels.

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