Being chosen as a best man and having to write and deliver a wedding speech can be challenging and nerve-racking for many. Especially for those who arent used to public speaking or may not be good at writing. Giving a good speech at a wedding can be a less daunting and stressful task with some preparation and thought beforehand.
Preparing a Best Man Wedding Speech
A wedding speech doesnt have to be complicated but it should be personal. It can be as short or as long as you wish it to be and its your choice too whether you deliver a few short touching or humorous toasts or a longer, heart-warming and inspirational speech.
The speech should be a reflection of your personality and relevant and personal for the newly couple. The longer you have known the couple, their shared interests, likes and dislikes and their history, the easier you might find writing the speech to be.
What to Include in a Best Mans Speech
All speeches must start with an introduction. You might begin the speech with a genial ice-breaker such as telling everyone how honoured you are to be the Best Man.
Introduce yourself and give the guests that may not know you a brief summary of your relationship with the groom and bride.
Thank the groom on behalf of the bridesmaids and for any gifts that were received. You might want to thank the parents of the bride and groom for their help in organising the wedding (if appropriate) and the guests for attending and playing their part in making this a truly special day. (Be sure to get the names of the people who helped make the day possible, beforehand, so all are included in the speech.
If any messages have been received from anyone unable to attend the wedding, you should leave room at the start of your speech to read them.
Best Man Speeches and their Content
Next you might include a few instances of the pre-wedding courtship that might entertain your audience. Make this a light-hearted and brief reflection on how the couple first met how the relationship has developed to lead them to the altar.
Funny stories and witty anecdotes may be expected in a best mans speech but remember the purpose of the speech is not to humiliate the groom or the bride with embarrassing incidents of the past. A little fun and teasing will add to the occasion but be discriminating about it. Subjects to avoid include previous girlfriends as the focus of your speech should be on the bride and groom and not past failed relationships.
Wedding Quotations and Poems
A best man who finds it hard to express feelings in words might throw in a famous wedding quote or two that sums up how he feels about the bride and groom.
End the speech on an inspirational note wishing the newly wed couple prosperity, health and happiness.
Rather than improvising on the day, honour your best friend on his wedding day by preparing a speech beforehand
A little preparation beforehand will help the best man give a relevant and enjoyable speech that the couple might remember and treasure for their lifetime together.
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