Thursday, 8 December 2011

Perfect your best man speech today - Advertising

Getting an opportunity to become the best man for a close friend can be honorable enough for any individual. But one of the trickiest parts of consenting to become a best man on the occasion of wedding of a close friend is to give the best man speech. It is even said that being asked to give a best man speech is somewhat equivalent to being asked to kiss the queen mother; this is a moment of great honor but yet, no best man would like to do it. However, giving a best man speech is not as difficult as it is made out to be. The only pre-requisites to give a good best man speech are to speak only what is heart felt and with genuine emotions and the rest of the things will automatically fall in place. A best man speech is expected to be simple and sweet in order to make it perfect. An ideal best man speech doesn't necessarily have to be extremely perfect, as if writing an exam for civil services. However, there are some guidelines which can be followed in order to come up with a perfect best man speech. The first and foremost requirement of a writing a best man speech is to keep it as personal as possible. It is a great honor to be chosen as the best man in the first place, so care must be taken that the speech is not overtly formal. It should reflect the personality of the best man and the close bonding which he shares with the groom. Another pointer to be kept in mind while charting out a best man speech is to keep it short, crisp and extremely engaging. The guests at the wedding would not exactly relish the idea of being bored to death by being forced to listen to an extremely long speech by the best man. The speech should be no longer than a few minutes but should be well-composed so that it can deliver the basic message which the best man wants to give. It is always a better idea to prepare the best man speech well in advance rather than having to ramble out an incoherent speech at the last minute. A well-prepared speech will allow the best man to perfect it and thus, deliver it with greater confidence in order to leave a lasting impression on the audience i.e. the guests present at the wedding. The best man speech should ideally begin with the best man introducing himself and his relations with the bride and the groom. It is also important to extend heart-felt thanks to the parents of the bride and groom who have paid for the entire wedding. The trick is to remain subtle here. The best man need not specifically thank them for the "expenses". He can rather choose to extend his gratitude towards the bride's parents for presenting them with such a wonderful occasion. It is always a nice trick to try and thank the guests present at the wedding and keeping them engaged in the speech and most importantly, making them feel like the most important part of the wedding.

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