Sunday, 4 December 2011

How to Give an Excellent Wedding Speech

To give an excellent wedding speech the first step to be taken is to get prepared for it in advance. Failure to prepare may give rise to poor wedding speech. To prepare for an excellent wedding speech you have to write it down. To do that very well, observe the following guidelines.

Wedding is one of the occasions of happiness, joy and merry making. Your speech must reflect all these. Every obstacles and frustration encountered before the wedding should be given a positive interpretation. Be humorous in your speech. Avoid any form of negativity is your speech.

Wedding is an occasion of expression of love between the bride and bride groom. In your speech remind them of the love the share and the promise they made to each other. Advise them to keep to their promises and love.

Marriage goes with some responsibilities. In writing a wedding speech make sure you briefly point out those responsibilities. Do not make it one sided. Both the bride and groom have their part to play for the marriage to be smooth. As you remind the groom of his responsibilities do not forget to remind the bride of hers.

Do not write a speech that will contradict the religious belief of the bride and her groom. This can be dangerous. It can even result to physical combat especially if the wedding is a religious one.

Wedding has cultural and social undertone. Do not lose sight of this while writing a wedding speech. Do not make comments that will be a mockery of the culture of the couples.

Always acknowledge and respect the families of both parties. It is better not to acknowledge the two families than to acknowledge one and neglect the other.

Your speech also depends on who you are to the wedding couple. What you will say if you are the father or mother of any of the couples differs to a certain extent from what you will say if you are their friends or uncles. If your are the father of the bride for instance, point out how dear she is to you, how much she means to you, how proud you are of her behavior and academic performance. Thank her mother for being of help in her upbringing. Do not forget to give hope to the groom. Let him know that your daughter will not bring him heart break.

If you are the Best man or the MC acknowledge the presence of some dignitaries. If possible meet with the wedding couples to find out those they will like you to acknowledge. Be brief in your speech.

Remember your attire is also part of the speech. Be on the attire that depicts the occasion

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